Thursday, February 6, 2014

One Writer, One Ghost - Vol 1

All of us have blogs, even GYB-Critter (I mean Creature) has this one.  This series, One Writer   -  One Ghost, is about blogs created by Writers, whose writings stand out in the crowd.

Some say that our ancestors are ghosts from the past.  But in some ways I feel that we are ghosts, of our ancestors  future selves.  for any  who dost study history, one begins to understand that they (those from the past)  do not repeat the things we do,  but surely we repeat the things they have  done .

Our first blog:
Owner/Writer:    J. S. Millard

Apart from being a blogger J. S. Millard is also an established Author AND winner of the prestigious NaNoWriMo Award, if you don't know what this acronym means pay a little visit to their blog for details.

Wonderful writing style,  each post reminds me of letters to a close friend. Sometimes a simple description of a visit to the family doctor reveals more about ourselves, than a complicated murder mystery
filled with plot twists.   less is more. 

And so I followed a trail of previous writers, with similar writing styles,  as far back as I could.
This path lead me to Elinore Pruitt Stewart.   a woman homesteader who lived in Wyoming in 1909.

What is their connection ??

>> "We are all engaged in the task of peeling off false selves."  << 
Layer by layer, we re-trace our private moments, in order to solve the puzzle.

 A trip to the post office,  a stranger on the street,  ...  the mystery of the me.

Look at  this breif statement by Elinore Pruitt Stewart (1909)  -

                  "I raised a great many flowers and I worked several days in the field
                  I just love to experiment, to work, and to prove out things"

and now this one by Millard (2014) -

"The lettuce is still growing well, and the cucumbers are yielding about 2 a day.
The tomatoes are starting to come out, and I think the eggplant and broccoli aren’t too far behind.
I love being able to walk outside and pick a salad for dinner every night."

Their connection is that they are ... following the same clues, and solving the same mystery.
The mystery of the Me.

Credits & Sources:
Book Title:       ****The Journey Inward - Women's Autobiography
        Eudora Welty, Elinore Pruitt Stewart, Zora Neal Hurston,  Isadora Duncan,  Margaret Mead
Website (pdf):

Book Title:     Letters of Elinore Pruitt Stewart  
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