Saturday, February 8, 2014

GYB-M Goes to Broadway

I think the GimmeYourBlog-Creature needs to get out more.  He needs to be more lively - sort of speak.  I think I found something to help him out.  It's a wonderful website called - and it's great.  is the world's largest goal-setting community.
I think original ideas are rare, but they got one.   And here's the fun part. 

Memberships are FREE.  and they not only have very caring and helpful members but they also have an informative forums community that even provides a section on "how to" - I mean anyone who asks how to acheive a particular goal will get loads and loads of expert advice,
that actually works - here that GYB-M  ??
It's always easier to achieve a goal when you have a support system - and these guys are great  !!  

All of us who take life with increasing seriousness, will benefit from

Now if there is one thing that picks me up,  it's a Broadway Musical Play.
Believe it or not,  I found a website that lists all of the Broadway plays EVER CREATED - no kidding.

The website:
owner:            John Kenrick

This is the The Cyber Encyclopedia of Musical Theater, TV and Film.
If this doesn't pick up GYB - M,  nothing will !!  

John Kenrick,  put the pro in professional.  Listen to this:  He is a Professor at NYU, and NYC.
Devoted years and years of research, talking with celebs, teaching, writing - you name it.
And all because of his love for the stage.   His site really is an encyclopedia of musical theater.

If I had to guess,  he probably has 2 gigabyte of information on his site - that's a lot.
And it's in all media - Videos,  MP3's , text AND photos (my personal favorite).

How do you explain what's in an encyclopedia ??   I don't know - guess you have to see it
to believe it.